We are proud of the good relationship we have with parents/carers though do appreciate that there may come a time when a parent/carer has a complaint they may wish to raise with the school.
The course of action for Parents/ Carers to follow in such circumstances is;
Stage 1 Informal
Speak to the child’s Class Teacher - please allow the staff member at least 5 school days to respond.
If this does not lead to a resolution of the problem, you can proceed to the next stage of the process.
Stage 2 Formal (if not resolved at Stage 1)
Meet with the Head Teacher. In the event you need to do this, it will be necessary to make an appointment. We request that the complaint is put into writing. There is a form you can collect from the school office to complete and return. (Appendix B)
You will receive an acknowledgement in writing within 5 school days. You will then receive in writing a further communication that will follow within 20 school days that will set out the actions taken to investigate the complaint and the findings.
Stage 3 – Formal (if not resolved at Stage 2)
The complaint is heard by the Chair [or Vice-Chair in Chair’s Absence] of the Governing Board
Please ensure that you put your complaint in writing to the Chair of Governors for consideration and include details of why you are still dissatisfied with the decision, the recommendations and actions of the Stage 2 complaint and what you require to resolve the matter. You may also attach any evidence to support your concerns that can be additional to that submitted at Stages 1 and 2.
The Chair of Governors will respond within 5 school days of receipt of the complaint to acknowledge this. The letter will state that another letter will follow within 20 school days setting out the actions taken to investigate the complaint and the findings.
Stage 4 – Formal (if not resolved at Stage 3)
The complaint is heard by the Governing Board. This is the final stage of the process.
If you are dissatisfied with the response from the Chair of Governors (or Vice-Chair) at Stage 3 the next stage is to put your complaint in writing to the School Governing Board at Stage 4.
Please ensure that you include details of why you are still dissatisfied with the decision of the Chair, recommendations and actions of the Stage 3 complaint and what you feel would resolve the matter. You can also attach any evidence to support your concerns in addition to that submitted at Stages 1, 2 and 3.
The complaint will be acknowledged within 10 school days.
If you are not satisfied with the process you may contact the Secretary of State for Education.
Please write to The School Complaints Unit (SCU) at:
Department for Education
2nd Floor, Piccadilly Gate
Manchester. M1 2WD